République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Immunologie, inflammation, infectiologie et microbiologie

Thematic Network - Brain & Virus



The thematic networks are designed to facilitate the emergence of new research areas by enabling teams working on a common theme/issue to get to know each other and share ideas. As such, the networks provide the beginnings of a structure for new communities of researchers, the breeding ground for future joint projects, and encourage the ideation of ground-breaking concepts.


Recent research has made it a priority to study the potential link between viral infections, disturbances in brain function, neuroinflammation and/or neurodegeneration. The "Viruses and Brain" symposium in November 2023 concluded that setting up a network of fundamental, translational, and clinical research focused on neurovirology was necessary. It was felt that a structure was needed to organize the scientific community in this field, which remains highly fragmented. In particular, it seemed crucial to hold consultations on the sharing and development of integrated models and to carry out targeted communication and sharing initiatives. This would also make it possible to reflect on the need to harmonize patient cohorts and develop interventional studies in the case of neuromeningeal infectious diseases.

The dynamic created by communication within this network will be conducive to new collaborations and increased visibility for neurovirology. In addition, interaction with related disciplines such as neuroimmunology, cognitive neuroscience and functional imaging will strengthen the network's links with the wider scientific community.

Network Coordinators

  • Daniel Dunia, Infinity, Inserm UMR 1291 – CNRS UMR 5051, Toulouse
  • Annie Lannuzel, Institut du Cerveau, Inserm – UMR 1127, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris – CHU de Guadeloupe CIC-EC 1424

Axes et themes

  • Effects of viruses on neurodevelopment,
  • Viruses and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Viruses and resident immune responses in the CNS
  • Viruses and cognitive perturbations
  • Centralized cohort "infectious encephalitis"
  • Integrated models
  • Interventional studies in neuromeningeal infectious diseases
  • Preparing for and anticipating new pandemics


Scientific fields:

Virology – neurosciences – virus – models – cohorts – biomarkers – emergence – anticipation – preparation


Contact * contact.reseauviruscerveau@inserm.fr


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