Institut de biologie de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
The candidate will work in an international research team investigating the molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions and the genetic and epigenetic regulation of gene expression (plant, microalgal and human cell model systems).
IRIM, Montpellier
To enhance its dynamic, collaborative, and innovative research atmosphere, IRIM is looking for an outstanding early to senior group leader in infection biology. The ideal candidate will lead research efforts to uncover pathogen virulence mechanisms, dissect host-pathogen interactions, drug resistance mechanisms or advance immunity against infectious agents.
Institut Necker des Enfants Malades, Paris
The goal of this project is to map the molecular networks controlling the fate of microglia towards these antagonistic activities using a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, and to functionally validate the core genes controlling these molecular networks in vivo.
Infinity, Toulouse
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a PhD and ideally with experience in basic HIV-1 virology. Background in cell culture, flow cytometry, and confocal microscopy would also be appreciated.
Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Marseille
This position offers a unique opportunity to work within the Neural Regulation of Immunity lab, under the guidance of Dr. Sophie Ugolini. This lab has been recently founded by an Impulscience grant to develop innovative project in the field of Neuro-immunology.
Institut Cochin, Paris
Nous recherchons un chercheur postdoctoral pour explorer les rôles antiviraux du CGRP lors de la co-
infection VHS-2/VIH-1 à l'aide du modèle « muqueuse sur puce », qui imite la complexité neuro-
immunitaire des muqueuses in vivo.
CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses
The position is available in the HSV group led by Professor Marc Labetoulle, for characterisation of newly identified immune responses involved in restricting reactivation of latent HSV1 reservoirs, to be exploited for protective and therapeutic interventions.
L’US19 conçoit et met en place des essais et des études cliniques à promotion publique ou académique visant à répondre à des questions complexes de physiopathologie, de prévention ou de prise en charge dans le domaine des maladies infectieuses. L’US19 a également la responsabilité logistique de la Biobanque ANRS-MIE.
Institut de Recherche en Infectiologie de Montpellier
The aim of the project is to decipher the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which flotillins participate in the process of entry and traffic of the Chikungunya virus into human cells.
Centre d'écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive, Montpellier
Dans le cadre d'un projet VIRADAPT financé par l'ANR nous souhaitons mieux comprendre l'adaptation des pathogènes aux vaccins afin d’identifier les stratégies vaccinales les plus durables, et de développer de nouvelles méthodes pour caractériser les phénotypes des variants.